Security is nothing more than living in peace. And peace must be constructed on a daily basis. It demands knowledge, action, work and efforts by all in society, searching together for efficient solutions. See how we put peace into practice.

Strategic thought informs everything Instituto Sou da Paz does. We analyze the main dynamics of violence and, based on this diagnosis, decide where and how to act.

Sou da Paz researches and diagnoses the causes, circumstance and actors, in addition to the impacts, of violence.

Guided by the evidence, reason and knowledge of the problem, Instituto Sou da Paz develops programs and actions for the prevention and reduction of violence.

Sou da Paz insists on monitoring and evaluating results in order to guarantee effective methodologies.

Sou da Paz conducts mobilization and advocacy efforts to pressure governmental instances, and we courageously confront the 'fear industry'.

We work hand-in-hand with partners – connecting governments, the press, civil society organizations, academia, the private sector and the public at large.

Sou da Paz participates in the implementation of efforts and solutions together with government agencies.

As a 'watchdog', Instituto Sou da Paz demands results from governments and shines a light on implementation problems of public security policies.